12 Dec 2016

Yr3 Weekly Update – 01/06/17



Central Idea:

Water is a finite resource that is not shared equally.

Happy New Year to you all!  It was lovely to see all of the children back at school refreshed and energised after such a wonderful long break.



Unit of Inquiry

After such a long break we have spent some time recapping what we have aAQ          Wdone so far in this Unit.  We are continuing to look at water and how it is not shared equally worldwide.  Our focus is now beginning to look at useable water and what this means to people around the world.  We have lots of good books in our resource area which the children are using to collect information.  This is continuing to hone their skills of note taking and using keywords and contents page to focus their inquiry.  We are now learning the importance of citing our sources, acknowledging the authors whose research we are using. Google Maps has also been a great source, as well as a lot of fun to use. We are beginning to identify countries around the world that are getting wateraid, and the various reasons for this.



Maths this week has continued with addition and subtraction.  We are looking at number bonds and how this strategy of making 10 can help us to add up mentally.  We are also continuing to understand how to use the jump strategy to bridge 10.  Measure, capacity and volume are starting to be introduced.



It’s always lovely to hear some of the super activities the children did over the holidays.  They always have so much to share.  We heard about some of the events through oral recounts, drawings, written recounts, ‘newspapers’ and poetry.  Planning their writing and editing are ongoing skills which we continue to teach throughout the year.  Taking notes from all the different resources we have and using these to respond to questions and further their understanding of our Lines of Inquiry and Central Idea continue.


Please Remember to…

  • cancel your Delifresh after Sports Day if your child is going home
  • have a school hat (named) and full WATER bottle for Tuesday Sports Day
  • have a packed lunch for Thursday as we are going to the theatre and will not be at school at lunchtime. Delifresh has been cancelled for this day


Home learning to share with the children

We are beginning to look at volume and capacity.  Take this opportunity to look at containers at home and how much they hold.  Discuss the meaning of L for litre and ml for millilitres that you can see on the side.  Play with the containers (in the bath or sink) and make comparisons between the amounts they hold.