19 Sep 2016

Yr4 Weekly Update – 23/9/16


This week we have been learning about what a positive relationship looks like. Students have used drama techniques including ‘freeze frame’ and ‘thought tracking’ to develop their ideas about how to make relationships more positive. We have also been using data to identify what our areas of growth might be.



We have applied our understanding of data recording and analysis to some different real life data sources, including our wellbeing survey data and the class’s character strength data. We have identified when to use tally charts, frequency tables and revised the use of bar graphs to display data. We have also looked at how three-ring Venn diagrams work.

Our messy maths has continued to look at how to use the inquiry cycle to solve word problems. We have tried different strategies including ‘trial and improvement’ and ‘drawing a table’.



We have been using the visual text “Inside Out” to look at the use of colour and shape  for presenting. Children have continued to use their personal journals to record their feelings and thinking about well-being and relationships. We have applied our strategy of looking for text signposts to a range of fiction and nonfiction texts and students should be able to demonstrate this as way to make meaning of texts.


Home Learning

Hopefully now children are into the routine of reading every night and choosing books which engage and challenge them. We are looking for students to be demonstrating the new comprehension strategies that they are learning in class.

Thank you for the examples of data tables that were found last week. This week, look out for examples of different types of data display (graphs, pie charts etc). Children can email in photos of examples if they find them.


Freeze frame of a negative relationship…
