Yr1 Weekly Update – 09/9/16
TD Theme: How we organise ourselves
Central idea: To function as part of a community people take on different roles and responsibilities.
The Year Ones are starting to demonstrate that they are able to follow simple directions and recall instructions given to them as they are confident in carrying out their classrooms routines.
Many of the children are already independently exhanging their daily home readers and have started to volunteer for classroom jobs in order to work together effectively in the classroom.
We look forward to seeing you at the PTA Lantern festival after school on Friday. It is a great time for parents, students and teachers to be be involved and meet the rest of the KJS community, as well as coming to the event with a creative lantern to celebrate!
A kind reminder that school will be closed (please see dates below) on the following week for teacher training and public holidays. The children will still be attending school on Monday and Tuesday only.
The students have been continuing to demonstrate their number knowledge of numbers up to 100. Students are practising making, ordering and counting numbers forwards and backwards from 100.
In literacy we have been focusing on our fine motor skills that help us to be better writers! We are cutting, sticking, rolling and squeezing objects to help us write letters we know. We have also started learning about Rhymes and are identifying strategies to help us to find out how a word rhymes!
Unit of Inquiry
This week we have started to define what the key conceptual understandings of our unit, How We Organize ourselves will be. In many classrooms, children have been using literature, their family photos and talking about their after school activities to discuss what communities they belong to. In addition, we have started focusing on the skill of cooperation. This has taught us to understand the importance of cooperation when working in a community, as we have discovered that people in a community have the same goal and must work together to achieve it!
A few kind reminders to:
* Please notify the school office and the bus mother of any changes in your child’s going home schedule. It is important that both the school office and bus mother is informed. Teachers are unable to always get to their email at the end of the day, so please call as soon as you know of alternative home arrangements to be made with your child.
* Please label every item of clothing and belongings with your child’s name – including shoes and their school bags.
* Please remember to pack a school hat, a waterbottle and a snack every day, labeled with your child’s name. Your child should also have a snack box and water bottle that he/she can open by his/herself.
* Deli Fresh Lunch will start from September for Year One students so your child will need to bring a packed lunch to school every day until then. Please remember that cutlery will not be provided for students. These will need to be brought from home and labeled with your child’s name.
Important dates:
4th September 1:30 Y1 Writing Parent Workshop
Friday 9th September: PTA Lantern Festival/AGM for all the family
Wednesday 14th September: School closed – Staff training
Thursday 15h September: School closed – Staff training
Friday 16th September: School closed – Public Holiday